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A member registered Jul 24, 2018

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(5 edits)

I'm studying laws in Europe, and I'm 100% sure about it :
Yes, it will be taken down as soon as they see it.

Let's say they choose to be kind with it, and they allow those characters use for free...
In France & Germany (and probably Spain, UK, Italy...), that's a failure to enforce exclusive rights.
And it's a highway to a trademark abandonment :
Any other companies (even EA Games...) will be free to use those characters, and free to release a DotT sequel commercially.

It seems stupid, but companies have to prove, at some point, that they did defend their trademarks.
That's why Ferrero is striking some Facebook pages titled "My Nutella cake recipe" :
If they want to block other food companies to use the "Nutella" brand, they have to strike the fan-pages too.
They are'nt allowed to be selective.

No, that's not (always) about money, and that's not (always) some kind of evilness.
That's about "not losing characters".

The only way to be safe is to sign some uage agreement with LucasArt. Even for a symbolic $.
For what I know, some editors, like Valve, are quite kind with that.

I'm saving this game preciously, and everybody should.
Internet will remember it anyway.... Internet always remembers.
Cheers from France, and congratulation with you game !